Excel - Fundamentals
Excel - Fundamentals
Microsoft Excel is by far the most popular spreadsheet application in use today. Its uses span all sectors within business, industry or academia. At the end of the course participants will have a solid knowledge of how to set-up and manipulate data within Excel.
Participants on this course should have some familiarity with using a PC, mouse and keyboard.
The class is designed for those who have want a rounded knowledge of Excel and who may have little or no knowledge of the application.
It is ideal for those who have only been working on inputting data into a standard Excel spreadsheet but who have never created or designed a spreadsheet.
- Understanding the difference between a spreadsheet and a database within Excel.
- Entering data into Excel.
- Manipulating Rows and Columns of data.
- Changing, copying or moving data within a spreadsheet or between spreadsheets.
- Formatting a spreadsheet, including text formatting, cell formatting, borders, alignment and font.
- Creating basic formulas using mathematical symbols.
- Understanding the difference between Relative and Absolute cell referencing.
- Page layout and preparing data for printing.
- Freezing rows and columns.
- Creating Pie, Column, Line, and Mixed charts.
- Understand and use dates in calculations.
- What is conditional formatting and how can I use it?
- Learn the rules for constructing an effective database within Excel.
- Sort data using Multilevel and custom sorting.
- Retrieve records from a database using autofilters, custom filters and advanced filters.
- Understand and use the follow key functions in Excel:
- Average - Count - CountA - Countblank - Max - Min - Now - Today - Sum - IF