Effective Presentation Skills
Effective Presentation Skills
This course is ideal for anyone who regularly needs to make presentations to either individuals or groups of people. There are no pre-requisites for attending this training, other than a willingness to participate fully in the discussions and activities. Each participant is required to prepare a 5 minute presentation on ANY subject in advance of the course. They should use visual aids or PowerPoint presentations to assist them. This MUST be your own work (not a corporate prepared presentation) and be brought with you for the start of the course. For Tips on preparing your presentation please contact support@dti.ie in advance of the course.
- Recognising The Key Message In Your Presentation.
- Establish Objectives for your presentation.
- Learn the rule of 3’s.
- Build presentations that create maximum impact.
- Choose the right visual aids.
- Tips for room layout and interaction.
- Recognize and transform problem areas.
- Handle your audience with confidence.
- Know how to handle questions.
- Present the ‘right’ image.
- Use your words, tone and body language and work with the qualities of your voice.
- Acknowledge and overcome nerves and use them to enhance your presentation.
- Use relaxation techniques.